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Allergic Bronchitis
Allergic Bronchitis is a respiratory condition, triggered by an overly active immune system reaction against harmless foreign substances that enters the lungs. This condition involves inflammation of the bronchioles and the lower respiratory system due to allergens. Ayurvedic Description Of Allergic Bronchitis: In Ayurveda, bronchitis is known as Shwasa Pranali Shoth (inflammation of respiratory tract) or the Shwasa-Kasa Roga…
Benign Tumor
Benign tumors are non-cancerous growths in the body. Unlike cancerous tumors, they don’t spread to other parts of the body. The exact cause of a benign tumor is often unknown but they develop when cells in the body divide and grow at an excessive rate. Benign tumors are very diverse, and may be asymptomatic or may cause specific…
Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a set of metabolic disorders that lead to a high level of blood glucose for an extended interval of time. It occurs due to either inadequate production of insulin or the inability of the cells to absorb the insulin. It comes under the category of chronic disease…
Varicose Veins Ayurvedic Treatment
‘Siraja Granthi’ or Varicose veins as referred in modern medical terminology are enlarged veins that become twisted and fibrosed in the legs around calf muscles, thighs, and ankle. The varicose veins result from standing for long hours, resulting in pressure in the veins. The condition of varicose veins is very common among hawkers, security guards,…