Is Ghee Good For Diabetes Patients? What You Need to Know!

Is Ghee Good For Diabetes Patients? What You Need to Know!

Living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy nutritious food help us in innumerable ways but with the modern lifestyle, the definition of healthy food articles has pushed away the meals that were once believed to be beneficial for us. Ghee or (Cow milk’s ghee) is one such food item that has multifold benefits still a…

मैदा और डायबिटीज का संबंध: खतरा कितना है?

मैदा और डायबिटीज का संबंध: खतरा कितना है?

‘हम तो मैदा खाते ही नहीं’ यह वो एक पंक्ति है जो मुझे लोगों से अक्सर सुनने को मिलती है जब मैं उनके साथ उनकी दिनचर्या पर चर्चा करने बैठता हूं। लेकिन चलिए देखते हैं कि हम अपनी आहार शैली में कितनी बार मैदे का उपभोग कर रहे हैं (अपने मासिक मैदा खाने की गणना…

Do not! Just Do Not Gift ‘Diabesity’ To Your Kids

Do not! Just Do Not Gift ‘Diabesity’ To Your Kids

Science, way back, has established the theory of inheritance of traits passing from one generation to another through genes and, similarly, the likelihood and risk of certain diseases. This increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on a person’s genetic makeup is called as genetic predisposition or susceptibility. And this genetic predisposition results from…

Types of Diabetes And Their Reversal

Types of Diabetes And Their Reversal

The buzz of ‘Diabetes Reversal’ is all present over the internet these days, which is rightly so. Still, there are specific types of diabetes that can be reversed. This small article will help build awareness around this buzz of ‘Diabetes Reversal’. By ‘Diabetes Reversal’, it is understood that a person with diabetes achieves a normal…

ठण्ड में स्वस्थ रहने के लिए क्या करे और क्या नहीं?

ठण्ड में स्वस्थ रहने के लिए क्या करे और क्या नहीं?

सर्दियां हमारे चारों ओर जीवंत रंगों का मौसम लेकर आती हैं। हमारे आस पास लोग रंगीन स्वेटर, सर्दियों के कपड़े पहने हुए दिखते हैं। पेटुनिया, गुलदाउदी, डेलिया जैसे फूल इस मौसम की खूबसूरती को साथ बढ़ा देते हैं। उत्तर भारत के घरों में हर कोई पंजीरी, मेवे, आटा और गौंद लड्डू के रूप में घर…

How To Avoid and Reverse Type 3c Diabetes?

How To Avoid and Reverse Type 3c Diabetes?

Diabetes is a comorbidity that appears in 25-80% of patients within the first five years after getting the first attack of Pancreatitis. The Diabetes that happens after Pancreatitis is referred to as secondary Diabetes. This type of Diabetes is known as type-C or Pancreatogenic Diabetes. Pancreatitis is such troublesome, painful, or fatal that it makes patients…