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Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are the growth of soft tissues on the lining of the nasal passage or sinuses. They are painless and are formed as a result of chronic inflammation of the lining. Small polyps do not cause any symptoms but the larger ones block the nasal passages and cause breathing difficulty and frequent infections. They are associated with inflammation…
Allergic Bronchitis
Allergic Bronchitis is a respiratory condition, triggered by an overly active immune system reaction against harmless foreign substances that enters the lungs. This condition involves inflammation of the bronchioles and the lower respiratory system due to allergens. Ayurvedic Description Of Allergic Bronchitis: In Ayurveda, bronchitis is known as Shwasa Pranali Shoth (inflammation of respiratory tract) or the Shwasa-Kasa Roga…
Worm Infestation – Ayurvedic Treatment
Worms are unwanted living creatures in the body that give troubles to the body ranging from blood disorders to indigestion. Depending upon the type of worm, different worms have different signs and symptoms in the body. Worm infestation is very common in kids as they are susceptible to infection because of poor hygiene practices in…
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that is difficult to be explained by any underlying medical condition. It may worsen with physical and mental activity and doesn’t relieve with rest. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is not known, but it is being attributed to various factors like viral infections to…