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Worm Infestation – Ayurvedic Treatment
Worms are unwanted living creatures in the body that give troubles to the body ranging from blood disorders to indigestion. Depending upon the type of worm, different worms have different signs and symptoms in the body. Worm infestation is very common in kids as they are susceptible to infection because of poor hygiene practices in…
Benign Tumor
Benign tumors are non-cancerous growths in the body. Unlike cancerous tumors, they don’t spread to other parts of the body. The exact cause of a benign tumor is often unknown but they develop when cells in the body divide and grow at an excessive rate. Benign tumors are very diverse, and may be asymptomatic or may cause specific…
Osteoarthritis or simply OA is a condition where the wear and tear of joints happens and is the most common type of arthritis. It is a degenerative disorder that is associated with cartilage breakdown in joints. The OA can occur in any joint/s in the body though mostly occurs in the weight-bearing joints of the…