Uterine Fibroid
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Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, bacterial infections, or continuous exposure to alcohol, drugs, or toxic chemicals. Hepatitis reduces the liver’s ability to perform life-preserving functions, including filtering harmful infectious agents from the blood, storing blood sugar and converting it to usable energy forms, and producing many proteins necessary for life. Viral hepatitis mainly has…
‘Acne’ is one of the common causes of spots on the face. It usually affects the face but may also affect the back, neck and chest. The severity of acne can range from mild to severe. About 8 in 10 teenagers develop some degree of acne. It is also estimated that about 3 in 10…
The gallstones are deposits of cholesterol and pigments in the gall bladder. These usually found in the people who are obese, eat excessive fatty food items, have lost too much weight quickly or those who have any reason to have a high cholesterol in their bile juice. These stone/s in the gall bladder can be…
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels. Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones. This hormone imbalance causes them to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to get pregnant. PCOS also causes hair growth on the face and body, and baldness. And it can…
Constipation refers to the general difficulty in emptying the bowels. It is often accompanied by the passage of hard and dry stools, causing painful defecation, hemorrhoids, or tearing in the lining of the lower rectum or anus. If prolonged for a longer period of time, it can even become a cause of cancer, headache, plies,…
‘Siraja Granthi’ or Varicose veins as referred in modern medical terminology are enlarged veins that become twisted and fibrosed in the legs around calf muscles, thighs, and ankle. The varicose veins result from standing for long hours, resulting in pressure in the veins. The condition of varicose veins is very common among hawkers, security guards,…