Cervical Spondylitis
Cervical spondylitis, also known as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis, is a common, age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck. It develops from the wear and tear of the cartilage and bones found in the cervical spine. While it is largely due to age, it can be caused by other factors as well at any age.
Ayurvedic Description Of Cervical Spondylitis
Cervical spondylitis can be correlated with a condition called ‘Greeva graham’ with the cardinal feature of stiffness of the neck and is explained as a Vata condition in Ayurveda. The vitiated Vata leads to the depletion of body tissues. The dryness and degeneration caused by Vata lead to the imbalance of Kapha Dosha. The Sleshmaka Kapha is responsible for cushioning in between bone joints. Hence disc degeneration sets in leading to spondylitis. In some of the ayurvedic texts, it has been compared with another condition called Vishwachi/Apabahuka.
Signs & Symptoms
- Change in gait and walk
- Compression of spinal cord
- Pain in neck
- Difficulty in rotation of the neck
Causes and Risk Factors
1. Occupation
Jobs that involve repetitive neck motions, awkward positioning or a lot of overhead work put extra stress on the neck. Increased screen timings on laptops and mobiles are also some of the reasons contributing a lot in cervical spondylitis these days.
2. Neck injury
Any neck injury can increase the risk of cervical spondylitis.
3. Genetic factors
Some individuals in certain families experience more of these changes over time, while others do not. It suggests that even genetics play a role in the condition.
Self Care Tips
- Avoid exposure to too cold and windy environments.
- Take small breaks from the work and relax the neck to relieve tension.
- Never sit in the same posture for too long. Keep on changing your position to avoid prolonged stress or tension in your neck joints or the body.
- Massage the neck constantly after small intervals.
- The cervical cap is recommended to avoid the neck from having sudden jerks or movements.
The condition of cervical spondylitis is greatly increasing these days, lifestyle changes, altered food habits, work exhaustion, wrong sitting posture, excessive traveling, etc are the worsening factors for the disease. As the psychological factors are also involved in the condition, so it is wise to adopt a 360-degree approach offered under Ayurvedic treatment.